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Share Market Astrology
What is Guru Mangala yoga
Intuition Ability Astrological Necessity
Climate Change Astrologically Explained
Saturn and Rahu Deadly Combination
- Kaama: Any kind of Desire, Lust or desire for sensual pleasure.
- Krodha: Anger.
- Lobha: Greed and avarice.
- Moha: Delusion or infatuation - getting caught in Maya, trying for temporary goals.
- Mada: Arrogance or pride.
- Maatsarya:Miserliness or stinginess.
Zodiac Signs Mapped to Countries and Cities
Types of Marriages
Chandra Mangala Yoga
Planetary Remedy through Food
- Sun - wheat, cereals, pulses etc...
- Moon - water plants and vegetables, drumstick, spinach, herbs etc...
- Mars - spicy, hot, sour, meat etc...
- Jupiter - vegetarian diet, diary, ghee, natural cold-pressed oil, sweets etc...
- Venus - aphrodisiac, fruits, well-cooked aroma, desserts, cakes and decorated foods
- Mercury - leafy, green, vegetables, chocolate, candy, fantasy, packaged foods, drinks etc...
- Rahu - heavy foods, snacks, street food, junk foods.
- Saturn/Ketu - uncooked, raw, odorless, sattwic, cold foods.
Digbala of Planets
KP Astrology Prediction Methods
7th House KP Astrology Prediction Methods
This is a traditional astrology and horoscope prediction system developed by Prof. Kuthur Subbarayaiyyer Krishnamurti (1908-1972). It was called ‘Krishnamurti Paddhati’.
KP is based on the stellar system of prediction and the ‘Sub Lords’ – the invention which crowned Prof. Krishnamurti as one of the greatest thinkers in the world.
1. Marriage: if the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifi es 2, 7 and 11 and with unaffl icted Venus, marriage is promised and the samefructifi es in the conjoined period of the signifi cators of 2, 7 and 11.
2. Marriage stopped: if the sub lord of the 7tha cusp is the signifi cator of 1, 6, 10 or 12, marriage will not take place with theparty in question, position of Venus to be looked into.
3. If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is in the constellation of a planet signifying 6 and 11, you can have a partner in business. Ifsignifi es 6 and 12, partnership will break. If signifi es 5 and 11, permanent tie with partner. If signifi es 5, 8 and 12, partner will bebenefi ted and you stand to lose much.
4. If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is the signifi cator of 7, 8, 12 and 5, opponent is very powerful in all walks of life.
5. If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifi es 2, 7 and 11 and the girl born with such ruling planets( as are the signifi cators of 2, 7and 11)n you can marry rich girl for harmonious married life. If 1, 6 and 10 she will not come under marriage fold.
6. Will marriage take place between two persons: if the Lagna that rises as per the number given by querent within 249, moon isposited at the time of the query in any of the houses 3, 5, 7, 10 or 11, and it received benefi cial aspect from Jupiter with benefi csignifi cation in the chart, marriage will surely take place between them and if Saturn comes, there will be some delay and nondenial.
7. If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is either Venus or Jupiter and signifi es 2 and 11, very happy marital life.
8. If the 7th cusp sub lord is sun – no pleasure, moon – very pleasant, mars – silly quarrels and displeasure, Mercury – enjoysmore than ones, Jupiter – pleasant, Venus – extreme pleasure, 64 leelas, Saturn dissatisfaction in intercourse and duration short.
9. If the 7th cusp sub lord is Saturn, aged husband i.e. Diff erence is very much, Jupiter, Venus and sun – proper diff erence in age,Moon, Mars or Mercury – diff erence is very little and at times husband will be younger. Rahu and Ketu, in terms of rasi lords.
10. If the 7th cusp sub lord in the constellation of a planet signifying 4 and 10, one living in the same house or village. 3rd –partner may be cousin or a neighbour. Ascendant – in the same town 11th – from the friend’s family. 5 and 9 live marriage or foreigner.
11. 7th cusp sub lord is Mercury or any planet occupying dual sign, more than one wife and if the same sub lord signifi ed 2 and 11.
12. If you want to know your future from an astrologer, the 7th cusp denoted the astrologer. If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is afast moving planet, he will predict immediately, slow moving planet, there will be delay in analysis of the problem.
13. Theft : if the sub lord of the 7th cusp is Mercury, thief is very young, Venus – youthful and young female, mars – full of age,Jupiter – middle age, Saturn – elderly person, sun – young and sex – see the sub lord in terms of the planets sex.
14. Partner in business is shown by 7th cusp. If the sub lord is Mercury tells more than one partner and if signifies 11th strong tie of partnership and if will connected to Venus through sub, cordial relationship are promised.
15. To find out if one will die of murder: the sub lord of the 7th cusp is deposited in the constellation of a planet which is thesignifi cator of Badhaka or marakashthana in terms of the 1st cusp and also 8th house. The person murdered represents the 1st cusp.
article sourced from web. only for info.
Predicting Profession through Astrology
Stability in Career and Job and Business
In experience, 2,6,10 houses should have strong connection without "functional malefic associations" for standard stable career/small solo business/trade. All daily routine jobs fit this category. if 3rd/8th/12th lord is associated then wavering career.
2-income, family; 6-job,debt; 10-karma;
Some of the other General rules are as follows.
The 10th house in any horoscope is the house of Karma/Actions, 7th house is the house of partnerships/business/relationships while the 6th house is the house of Service/jobs. The mahadasha running tells you about the trend or the area which is active in your horoscope.
What are the combinations for career Stability in astrology?
When the 10th lord has planets in Sthira Rashi or the 10th lord is posited in a Sthira rashi (fixed signs) one can enjoy a stable career. (Sthira Rashi/Fixed signs are Tauras/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius)
If the 10th house has planets in Sthira/Fixed Nakshatras or the 10th lord is in Sthira or fixed Nakshatras it is also an indicator of good stability in career. (Rohini, Uttara-phalguni, UttaraShada, Uttara-bhadrapada are fixed nakshatras)
The above rule will also be applicable to people working in jobs/service sector if the 6th lord is placed in position as above. If the 6th lord is posited in Sthira Rashi/Sthira nakshatra one will have job stability as per astrology.
If the 7th house/7th lord is involved in the combinations given above the jataka concerned will have stability in business.
When the Karma karaka Saturn is strong in the horoscope it indicates that the person will have a stable career.
The dasha lord if connected to the 2,6,10,11 houses will indicate stability and growth in career in its dasha. If the dasha lord too happens to be in a sthira rashi/sthira nakshatra it will give stability.
People who are born with both Rising ascendant and Moon in a sthira rashi or Sthira nakshatra prefer to stick to a routine or follow strict discipline in their life hence they are unlikely to look for changes and have strong dislike for change. Such people can also have stable careers due to their attitude.
One should always check the House+Lord+Karaka+dasha support for defining the outcome of a particular area.
What are the Negative aspects of the above planetary combinations ?
Sthira rashi can give a strong obstinacy in temperament, these people can live monotonous lives, stick to one job for long time without being flexible in learning/acquiring new skills. With the new emerging career trends post covid-19 one has to be versatile and acquire skills with respect to global standards if one wants to survive in the cut throat competition environment. One has to keep updating with new skills and be a jack of all trades, today is the time of multiple skill sets. The time of one education, one skill set is gone.
What are the planetary combinations for lack of career stability in astrology ?
When the 10th house lord is connected with the 8th house or the 12th house one will have setbacks in career. There will be instability in career as per astrology.
When the 8th or 12th lords or both are connected with the 10th house the same result as above will come to pass.
When one is in the dasha of the 8th house lord or planet in the 8th house one surely faces set-backs in career.
When the 10th house, 10th lord and the karaka Saturn is weak the horoscope indicates instability or set backs in career.
The antardasha of a planet in 8th or 12th or the antardasha of the 8th or the 12th lord indicates temporary setbacks in career.
Panch Mahapurush Yoga
- Jupiter in Kendra is very auspicious as it is considered that Lord Vishnu reside in Kendra.
- The native will be beautiful and lucky if born under Hamsa yoga.
- The native will progress fast under shasha yoga.
- The native will be interested in being independent under ruchaka yoga.
- The native will live like a king f born under bhadra yoga.
- The native will be very happy with wife and children under malavya yoga.
- The native will be fond of tasty food.
- The native born may have several birth marks on legs and arms.
- The native will be honored and respected socially.
- The native can become a big star or a leader of politics.
- The native will be popular and achieve high positions.
- The native will have a luxurious life.
- The native can become an I.A.S officer.
- The native will have a lot of wealth and prosperity.
- If the Lord of the Yoga is conjoined or aspected by its debilitating Lord, the effects of Panch Mahapurush Yoga will be nullified.
- Panch Mahapurush Yoga will get cancelled if Yoga inducing the planet is in conjunction with Ketu in the birth chart.
- If Mars is in conjunction or aspects Saturn in your birth chart, then Ruchak Yoga gets Cancelled.
- If Mercury is in conjunction or aspects Jupiter, then Bhadra Yoga gets Cancelled.
- If Moon and Mars are in conjunction in your birth chart or Mars aspects Moon, Hamsa Yoga is cancelled.
- If Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction or Saturn aspects Jupiter in your birth chart, Malavya Yoga gets cancelled.
- If Venus and Mercury are in conjunction or Mercury has an aspect on Venus, then Sasa Yoga gets nullified.
Dhan Yoga in Astrology
- If the Lagna lord and 2nd lord conjoin together, Dhan yoga takes place.
- If lord of the 2nd house is placed in the 11th house and 11th house in the 2nd
- If the lord of the ascendant is placed in the 10th house, the native will be wealthier than his parents.
- You will be rich if the lord of the 2nd and 9th house has mutual exchange.
- When the lord of 2nd gets associated with 5th, 9th and 11th
- When the lord of the 5th house gets associated with 9th and 11th lord and its house
- When 9th lord gets associated with 11th lord or its house.
- If the planet Sun is placed in the 5th house and Jupiter, Moon and Mars is in 11th house
- If Moon is in 5th in own sign in Cancer and 11th lord Saturn in the 11th
- When Mars is placed in the 5th house and Venus is in 11th in own sign.
- When Mercury is posited in the 5th house and Jupiter, Moon and Mars is in 11th
- When the planet Jupiter is posited in the 5th house and Mercury in 11th in own sign.
- When Venus is in 5th house in own sign and Mars is placed in the ascendant
- When the planet Saturn is in own sign in 5th house and Sun and Moon remains in the 11th house together.
The majority of your "friends", want to see you do well but Never better than them!! And just a reminder! Even family members have a hidden envy!!! But, they can't stop what God has for you!
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