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Download Jyotish Books for Free

Om Gan Ganapataye Namah

Internet should be free. World Wide Web is invented to connect and share knowledge across the globe. Hence this blog is created to share the sacred and divine knowledge of Jyothish(Astrology).  You can download any Astrology Book available on internet at one place. Jyothish Book blog members will try their best to upload all the available books with a neat catalogue. Hence, students and researchers in astrology can use this blog and also contribute some books which they have. There are books which are copyrighted. But those books will be also available as they are available on the internet. Jyothish Books blog is not going against any intellectual property/copyrights law. But due to the books which are already present in the internet, this blog is going to organize all those books.
Just an Aggregator ~ Aggregates related, frequently updated content from various internet sources and consolidates it in one place for viewing: like an automated news aggregator.

"Books should be available for free. Knowledge should be given to anyone who really needed it."

free jyothish books
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For book queries


  1. Essence of nadi astrology by R G RAO is available for download?

  2. not working please help me to download other books sir.Please sir

  3. can please send me the password for zip file

  4. hello sir,i have downloaded the files,but not able to open because zip file needs password,can please provide the password.

  5. When I click on "See and Download Books" only blank page is opening. Admin please update the link.

  6. not able to download only blank page coming

  7. Password for rar files is jb

    Unfortunately all the download links are dead now, athor please re upload the books as soon as possible.

    1. Kindly re upload Bepin Behari books. None of the download links in Bepin Behari section is working

  8. Kindly re upload Bepin Behari books. None of the download links in Berlin Behari section is working

  9. Where do I get table of ascendants and other stuff from N. C. Lahiri?
    Please upload them.

  10. where ae the other books by rg rao

  11. where ae the other books by rg rao

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.



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