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When will good things happen in life ?
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Gandanta Spiritual Knot
Secret of Gods
Gandanta Spiritual Knot
There are lot of confusion/debate and doubts going on regarding Gandanta. The below is the article given by Komila Sutton ji which is unaltered for the students of astrology to know better and research on the point with perspective of progress of soul in mind.
The horoscopes with Gandanta are difficult to predict as they are secret in nature as the native should unravel himself along the path of his/her anthropomorphic evolution phase. The astrologer cannot deduce the coarse of person's chart who has planets in gandanta junction unless the astrologer has some divine second sight.
Article Source: komilla[dot]com/lib-gandanta[dot]html
Gandanta - The Spiritual Knot
Gandanta is the junction points in the zodiac that a particularly connected with times of soul growth. This is the position of the zodiac where the where the solar and lunar Zodiac meet. These points are at the junctions of Pisces (Revati)- Aries (Ashwini), Cancer (Ashesha)- Leo (Magha), Scorpio (Jyeshta)- Sagittarius (Mula). They are especially powerful in giving Karmic effects.
Degrees Rashi Nakshatra Amsha/Pada
26º00-30:00 Pisces Revati Pisces
0º00- 3º20 Aries Ashwini Aries
26º40-30º00 Cancer Ashlesha Pisces
0º00- 3º20 Leo Magha Aries
26º40-30º00 Scorpio Jyeshta Pisces
0º00- 3º20 Sagittarius Mula Aries
Gand means a knot.
Anta means the end.
Gandanta means the knot at the end.
A well-tied knot is that it is very difficult to unravel. The more you try to untie the knot, the tighter it becomes. Gandanta represents a knot within ourselves, a deep issue, which we are trying to reconcile with. When planets are placed in these positions, then they face uncertainty as they try to unravel the secret knot that will take them on to the next level. These issues make themselves felt in the life of the individual, through personal relationships, traumatic events or inner struggles.
When life crystallises at a certain we have to go through a particularly trying time to prepare our minds for the next step in the journey of our soul. This can only take place once you have reconciled with where you are at present. You cannot deny the present, if you want to move on to the future. The positioning of planets in the Gandanta is particularly powerful.
This indicates a very special purpose for this birth. There can be many difficulties to be faced, adjustments to be made in life as we move towards one level of spiritual growth into the second level. This can be a very good position as well as it can create balance as you learn to come to terms with the reality of today. That is essential if you have to move forward. This mental adjustment usually opens the knot and brings happiness
Aries or Pisces are the gandanta navamshas but not all Aries and Pisces navamshas are gandanta. So when analysing them, you must be aware of this. Three planets placed in Aries navmasha, only one may be struggling with the gandanta energy.
The exact degrees of Gandanta are 2 ghati(48') from the edge of the sign. So the closer the planet is at the edge of the rashi, the more it is tied in a spiritual knot and harder it is to unravel the knot.
There are three kinds of Gandanta:
- The Lagna Gandanta
- The Nakshatra Gandanta
- The Tithi Gandanta
The Lagna Gandanta is when the ascendant sign falls within 14 minutes of these degrees either side. The Nakshatra Gandanta is when the Moon is situated within 48 minutes either side of these points. Tithi is the lunar day and Tithi gandanta happens at the end of the tithi and beginning of another.
The belief is when life crystallises at a certain point then we journey towards the higher manifestation of the soul and the consciousness. We have to go through a particularly trying time to prepare our minds for the next step in the journey of our soul. If you are born in any of the gandanta, you can expect some spiritual difficulties in this birth. A lack of support, a sense of transformation.
The Moon in the Nakshatra Gandanta is particularly powerful as also shows that one is born at the end of a dasha. Just after birth, he dasha changes, bring turmoil at the beginnig of life. Although this can happen to the parents as we are unaware as a child of what is happening. Its effect is with us for the rest of life. There can be many difficulties to be faced, adjustments to be made in life as we move towards one level of spiritual growth into the second level.
The Gandanta
The gandanta always takes place between Water and Fire Signs and navamshas. Water and Fire- Agni and apas are two contrary elements. Fre can heat up the water and water can extinguish fire. So negotiating this area of chart is complex but it is also the area where the maximum spiritual developmet takes place. Any planet placed in gandanta is in a difficult position and will have to face material issues in regard to its house rulerships and significations. If Venus is in gandanta, then relationships and marriage will be the area of insecurity.
The Pisces/Revati and Aries/ Ashwini Gandanta shows the ending of one cycle of soul growth and beginning of it’s next stage. This is the level that the inner self begins it’s journey of life. Each journey implies within it an ending of a cycle. If the Moon is in the Pisces portion of the Gandanta, it relates to ending experiences, where the soul has reached it’s full maturity at the present level of soul growth and it’s ready to move onto another cycle of life where a different set of issues will confront him.
In the Aries/ Ashwini portion of Gandanta, here the soul is connected to the past life but knows it is at the threshold of another. This creates confusion and powerful influences which are at times difficult to understand. Is this an old experience you are living through or there are fresh encounters to undertake. Moon’s position in this juncture reveals a past life connection which is strong.
The Cancer/ Ashlesha and Leo/ Magha Gandanta is where the soul endings it’s search and now finally moves towards it’s full involvement into material life. The Cancer/ Ashlesha stage is where the search in the experience of life is complete. Psychological changes happen. The ruling deity of Ashlesha is Naga - the wise serpents. At this stage there is the shedding of the skin to grow another one. This experience which changes the mind and the psyche can be extremely painful but it is necessary for the soul to grow into another dimension.
At the Magha/ Leo stage, the soul is finally getting ready to experience life at a material level. This is a junction point, therefore the intellectual changes which it has already experienced at the Cancer/ Ashlesha level are still very strong. There is again the connection to the past life here.
Scorpio/Jyeshta and Sagittarius Mula Gandanta is the most difficult one as it moves the inner soul towards it’s final direction towards merging with the universal consciousness. This is the stage where the material ties are being shattered and the soul realises it’s true spiritual direction. This is where the maximum churning of the inner emotions take place. Even when the soul recognises it’s path towards it true nature, it fights against it. This is never an easy task. It creates many psychological or physical blocks that need to be tackled with great maturity.
At the Scorpio/ Jyeshtha stage, the is immense churning of the inner emotions, this is where material sheaths break up and it leads to an inner change. if there is a resistance to a change then it makes it very difficult for the person. On a material level this can be unfortunates whereas on a spiritual level it leads towards activating your Kundalini or latent power. At the Mula/ Sagittarius stage, the soul recognises it has to change and in many ways it already has. But it still remains ties to it’s past life and it’s earthly needs which Moola which means the root suggests. This roots is buried in the ground or in deep material realms and it need to break the outer crust of earth to reach towards it’s higher potential.
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- Kaama: Any kind of Desire, Lust or desire for sensual pleasure.
- Krodha: Anger.
- Lobha: Greed and avarice.
- Moha: Delusion or infatuation - getting caught in Maya, trying for temporary goals.
- Mada: Arrogance or pride.
- Maatsarya:Miserliness or stinginess.
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